In the modern day, life revolves around sitting down at a computer desk, sitting in a car seat, or lounging on the sofa. Leading a sedentary lifestyle can lead to tension build-up in the body, causing aches, pains, and discomfort.
Most commonly, people feel tension in their neck, shoulders, and back. Thankfully, there are lots of strategies you can use to relieve tension from your body and live more comfortably.
Aside from at-home strategies, you can head to Broadmead Physiotherapy, where you can consult with a qualified physiotherapist. By discussing your problems with a physiotherapist, you can get to the root of your discomfort and work through helpful techniques with them for long-term relief.
Whether you choose to see a physiotherapist or not, you can try the following things at home, on vacation, or even when you’re moving abroad to relieve tension from your body.
Perform Deep Breathing Exercises
Your breath is closely connected to your emotions, which are subsequently connected to your actions and behaviors. By practising deep breathing and taking control of your breath, you can adjust your actions to reduce tension in your body.
Deep breathing can calm your mind and lead you to take a more relaxed approach to your daily activities. In turn, you’ll hold less tension in your body and be generally calmer, leading to fewer aches and pains.
You can follow a guided deep breathing video online if you’re unsure what you’re doing. Alternatively, try this quick process:
- Inhale deeply through your nose
- Focus on expanding your diaphragm
- Pause and hold your breath for a few seconds
- Exhale slowly through your mouth
- Repeat this step-by-step process for a few minutes, focusing on each breath individually and trying not to let your mind wander too far from the present moment
Practice Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR)
Practice Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PRM) is a technique that focuses on gradually tensing a muscle and then releasing it. You can perform this technique using various muscles throughout your body, depending on where your tension lies.
If you’ve got the time, perform PMR on every muscle group in your body. Start with your toes and slowly work your way up towards your head, focusing on each muscle group one at a time and ensuring you feel fully relaxed by the end.
Take a Warm Bath with Epsom Salts
Warm baths are a highly effective yet simple way to deliver muscle tension throughout your entire body. Consider running a warm (but not hot) bath and adding Epsom salts, which are known to soothe sore and aching muscles.
Warm water can promote better blood flow and enable more metabolites and waste products to be removed from the muscles. The flow of the water around the muscles acts as a stress reliever in and of itself.
Epsom salts contain magnesium sulphate that can aid muscle relaxation and relieve built-up tension. You can find these salts online or in your local chemist.